Nine-Seven Prayer

Nine-Seven-Seventeen ✒
Lord thank you! 
Thank you for sending me answers and lessons in the form(s) you know that I will receive them. Thank you for reminding me not to panic because you forever got me! 
Thank you for letting me know that my long list of request and desires will never go unanswered. Thank you for moving things, people, spirits as energies out of my way so that I can "reclaim my time" 😏. So that I can hear your voice over any other sound! 
Use me Lord for something greater than me. Don't allow me to die with my gifts and talents stored up and hidden inside of me. 
Let me utilize every single one and every inch in the most creative and impactful ways. 
Order my steps and align my actions so that I can inspire and change the lives of my loved ones, people that cross my path and my surroundings. 
Keep my heart tender and my intentions honest. 
Keep my tongue trustworthy and my pain productive. 
Keep my thoughts tangible and my connections fruitful (beyond me). 
Multiple what I put out into the world so that I will be mindful of what I put out into the world! Increase me on all sides, build me up. 
Less of me every day until I am consumed by you. 

Instagram Wants You To Stay

Instagram Wants You To Stay

H E L L O A U G U S T! So happy to see you although it means summer will be leaving soon. *Pondering* How to make summer stay? 
It seems as if you were thinking about leaving or you've been away too long the Facebook owned app, Instagram has given users another reason to stay or to simply come back.

Your Luggage. Your Life.

Your life In Your Luggage



Over the 2015 into 2016 holiday season I received word from a dear friend (Thanks *E!!) to look out for a package coming my way. I thought nothing of it as we’ve helped each other in various areas over the years and my mind was occupied with a few of life's anguishes at the time.  Life has a way of moving as fast or slow as it pleases and you either keep up, stand still or surrender; there’s no wrong choice here, you just have to use your better judgement to determine when to do what.

Summer Mix


Paying for the Experience

Two of the biggest challenges for traveling the glob are cost-effective ways to get there and sleep accommodations. Unless you travel for a living (GOAL), handing over your cash flow can become daunting. But here’s some fool proof ways to help save some cash while setting up your next set of travel plans.


*Taps Carrs’ sterling silver champagne flute*

Let The Corks Pop & The Balloons Float!