
Paying for the Experience

Two of the biggest challenges for traveling the glob are cost-effective ways to get there and sleep accommodations. Unless you travel for a living (GOAL), handing over your cash flow can become daunting. But here’s some fool proof ways to help save some cash while setting up your next set of travel plans.

“W.W.K.D?” That’s right! “What Would Kanye Do?” is one of the first questions you should ask yourself. After going back and forth about planning my next place to wander, I started sing the song of money woes. That song came to an end once I remembered what money is. "Money is a tool to help you build your custom life experience." - #MoXi3Formula
The key words in that formula mantra are 'build, custom and experience'. I couldn’t think of any other person that pays for the experience better than Kanye West. Kanye, currently has more disposable income than the normal leisure traveler but the concept of “paying for the experience” works on all levels.

*Cues Bills, Bills, Bills x Destiny's Child* Cover your responsibilities for the month in which you are going to travel and the following month. It’s no fun being on vacation neither thinking about what you have to pay nor struggling to recover monetarily when you return home. Include these expenses in with your travel arrangements and you should be smooth sailing or tanning on the beach.

Book smart & roam free! Book early but not too early. Read the latest reviews on where you desire to stay and the airline you plan to travel with. Check to see how you will be able to get around while there. I for one am a fan of walking, biking or taking public transportation while traveling abroad, it’s like taking off the ‘tourist lenses’. Don’t be afraid of getting lost. Wait! Don’t wander into places that give you a sketchy vibe or that’s not recommended by trusted locals but go on a mapped out tourist route w/o a guide at your own pace. Scenic routes create a lot of memories for little to no money.

Make a list of “must-haves”:
I NEED Wi-Fi when I travel. No matter where I visit I check to see if where I’m sleeping –because it prevents me from sleeping but I can’t sleep without it-- has Wi-Fi (free or paid).
I don’t do the community bathroom deal. 

The toilet and tub is where I draw the line! Some of the most luxurious places have shared bathrooms (it’s a way of life) for their guest. Catch me at the bar but I won’t stay overnight.

Don’t be cheap about it! Most of the time, you’ll end up spending more if you plan cheap. Be smart, frugal and prepared instead. Try some of these suggestions before your next adventure and let me know how things go. Most importantly, safe travels.

Image Credit: Mo'Xi3 (BOTEL|Amsterdam|Holland) | Source: The Jane Hotel NY

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